MI-250 Altitude Adjustment Smoothing

Floyd Blue developed this approach to interject a teflon or other UHMW (Ultra High Molecular Weight) puck between the altitude adjustement bolt and the surface on the mount where it pushes against.

In my case, I received the updgrade mount after Floyd had disclosed his idea and my altitude bolt's end was reasonably smooth, so that only left me with doing the rest. I ordered a 12" long 1" diameter rod of UHMW (Polyethylene) from Mc Master Carr (Part number: 8624K16, cost: $2.68) and cut a 3/8" thick slice. After which I used a drill press and bit to create an indentation against which the bolt will push. I sanded the backside of the puck smooth with 300-grit sandpaper. Below is the ready-to-use puck.

I filed away the paint on the mount where the puck will go, and used 300-grit sandpaper to finish it smooth as shown below

I used white lithium grease to place the puck in place, and wiped out the excess. Below is the finished installation

After installing the base back in place, I tried changing the altitude and it does not take much force on the Alt knob to get it to move. A worthwile improvement. Thank you Floyd Blue !

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